ADAPT Community Network
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Video Tribute to the Hausman Family

Please watch the video tribute to the Hausman Family, a founding family of ADAPT Community Network (formerly United Cerebral Palsy of NYC). This video was originally shown at the inaugural ADAPT Leadership Awards Gala in March, where we bestowed the first Hausman Humanitarian Award to several visionary leaders. The Hausman Humanitarian Award recognizes an individual […]

The Royal Danish Consulate General and Danish Cerebral Palsy Experts Visit ADAPT’s Brooklyn Facility

On April 16th, the Royal Danish Consulate General’s experts on Cerebral Palsy and technology for disabilities visited ADAPT Brooklyn programs. Anders Lindskov Jensen (Senior Commercial Advisor, Royal Danish Consulate General),  Nicklas Kronvald Jorgensen (Commercial Intern, Royal Danish Consulate General), Kim Norup Frederiksen (Principal from Jonstrupvang, a health care center for people with Cerebral Palsy) and […]

ADAPT’s New Flushing Avenue Day Program Facility Hosts Its Open House for the Brooklyn Community

ADAPT’s new Day Program facility at 630 Flushing Avenue in Brooklyn hosted its first open house on May 3rd, in collaboration with Bedford Stuyvesant RESTORATION Corporation.  The goal of the open house was to introduce ADAPT’s state-of-the-art facility and expert staff to the neighboring community organizations and businesses and provide them with information on available resources and […]

ADAPT’s Life Skills Program Visited by Orly Wahba, Creator of the Kindness Boomerang

On May 7, Life Vest Inside founder, educator and author Orly Wahba met with students in our Life Skills Program at Tottenville High School in Staten Island to discuss becoming “Kindness Ambassadors.” Life Vest Inside’s (LVI) mission is to “empower and unite the world with kindness”, and we were excited to have Ms. Wahba include […]

ADAPT Family Connect Summit 2018 Attracts 600 Families and Practitioners

The annual ADAPT Family Connect Summit was held on Thursday, April 26th   at the New York Academy of Medicine. At this comprehensive event, 600 families, advocates and vendors learned about the latest information, changes and developments in the disability field. The Summit featured 10 sessions covering diverse topics such as Family Support & Community Services, […]