We offer year-round preschool programs with comprehensive educational and therapeutic programs serving children ages three to five with physical and/or developmental disabilities. Various services, assistive technologies and therapies are available to help children with specific needs become learners in unusually supportive environments.
Our educational evaluations help ensure that each child finds the placement that is right for them. Our preschool services include speech, physical and occupational therapy, psychology, adaptive equipment, vision training, assistive technology, as well as specialized classroom models including augmentative communication and computer assisted instruction.
Located in Brooklyn, we provide school-age education for children and adolescents between the ages of five and 21 with severe physical disabilities and unique educational, therapeutic and medical needs.
Teachers use Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to meet the customized learning needs of students while
emphasizing academics, social and physical independence, quality of life skills, and transition to adult services. Our school environment offers barrier-free classroom settings with a focus on the following resources:
- Specialized instruction
- Computers and assistive technology
- Augmentative communication
- Adaptive positioning and handling
- Adaptive physical education
- Aquatic therapy and swimming activities
Funding is made possible by the New York State Education Department and the New York City Department of Education, and supplemented by donations to ADAPT. As a non-public school, eligibility for this program is determined by the New York City Department of Education.