
ADAPT’s New Flushing Avenue Day Program Facility Hosts Its Open House for the Brooklyn Community

ADAPT’s new Day Program facility at 630 Flushing Avenue in Brooklyn hosted its first open house on May 3rd, in collaboration with Bedford Stuyvesant RESTORATION Corporation.  The goal of the open house was to introduce ADAPT’s state-of-the-art facility and expert staff to the neighboring community organizations and businesses and provide them with information on available resources and services.

The day-long event consisted of morning and afternoon sessions with representatives from  ADAPT’s major programs showcasing their offerings, including  Adult Day Services, (Day, Residential, Supported Employment, and Respite Services), Family Support Services, Education Services, Recreation, After-school Programs, TechWorks and Workforce Development. Bedford Stuyvesant RESTORATION Corporation’s Program Director Kizzie Brown spoke about their services and financial supports offered to NYCHA residents. Courtney Rattenbury, Assistant Principal at the Brooklyn Transition Center (PS 373), gave an introduction to the school’s programs.

There were over 250 family members, advocates, local community non-profits and businesses in attendance. The Brooklyn Transition Center’s (PS 373) student band performed live music and dancing, sparking interest from the passerby outside of the Program premises.

“The event was very interactive and left a positive impact on everyone present – individuals, staff, families, advocates and the local community members,” said Parnelle Labonte, Coordinator of Operations for the Flushing Avenue Day Program. She gave the opening remarks for the event, along with Mary Buckley, Coordinator of Operations for Supported Employment. ADAPT’s COO Linda Laul and Mariette Mcbride, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives gave a brief history about our rebranding and an overview of the supports and services. Sherman Trotman, Senior Coordinator of Operations, acted as the Master of the Ceremonies throughout the day, and Connnie McKoy, Program Director, gave the closing remarks.

Special thank you goes to all the community partners and businesses, including Bedford Stuyvesant RESTORATION Corporation, Acumen Capital Partners, the Brooklyn Transition School (PS 373), PILOTWORKS and Salt of the Earth, in addition to all the ADAPT staff and individuals who made this event possible.

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