The Greenpoint School

Welcome to The Greenpoint School

The Greenpoint School is located at 725 Leonard St Brooklyn, NY 11222

Special Education & Integrated UPK Classes

School Information

The program consists of 2 floors. There are 5 classrooms on the 1st floor made up of 12:1:2, 8:1:2 , as well as integrated UPK classrooms. There is also an OT sensory gym and indoor gross motor room.

The 2nd floor has a multipurpose room.

We provide all related services in a pull out or push in model throughout the school day.

Related services include, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Play Therapy, Music Therapy and Parent Counseling and Training.

The school day runs from 8:00 am- 2:00pm and 8:00am-2:20 pm, for UPK student.

We are a 12 month school program

The Greenpoint School has an open door policy. Parents are welcome to visit anytime during the school day.

Parent's provide Breakfast and lunch, which we can heat and/or keep refrigerated. We are a nut free school due to allergy concerns.

Intake Coordinator

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