The William O’Connor Bayridge School is located at 420 95th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209
Special Education, Integrated Classes & PreK for All
School Information
The WOC Bayridge School consists of 4 floors with the main office and 15 classrooms. All floors incorporate classes with ratios of 12:1:2 and 8:1:2 as well as an Integrated Classroom including Pre K for All students and a 3 for ALL classroom. There is one bilingual Spanish 12:1:2 classroom. Our other classrooms provide bilingual teacher assistants to support additional second language needs.
Breakfast and lunch are provided for all students. Lunch at 11:30 AM.
The school day runs from 8:00 am- 2:00pm and 8:00am-2:20 pm, for UPK student.
We also offer early intervention
morning and afternoon sessions.
We are a 12 month school program.
WOC Bayridge School offers and Occupational and Physical Therapy Gyms. We offer Adaptive Physical Edcucation. There is an indoor and outdoor play area.
We provide all related services in a push out/push in model throughout the school day. Related services include, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, and counseling services.
The WOC Bayridge School has an open door policy. Parents are welcome to visit anytime during the school day. We offer parent support groups.