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COVID-19 Vaccine: Information and Resources

With news about vaccines changing rapidly, ADAPT is committed to providing you with information as it’s available to help you protect yourself, loved ones, and persons supported. Studies show that the COVID-19 vaccines are an effective way of protecting people against getting the virus. The vaccine will teach your immune system how to recognize and fight the virus if you are exposed.      

As of February 15th, 2020, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are eligible to receive the vaccine under Phase 1b (Expansion #2) category. ADAPT has been working to ensure that all people supported and staff providing support are prioritized to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. ADAPT has already administered the vaccine to hundreds of individuals from ADAPT Community Network via our clinics.   

It is essential that we use the necessary tools to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. Over 506,807 deaths have been reported in the US. Today, 65 million individuals have received one or more doses of the vaccine in the fight to protect themself and stop the spread.  

The vaccine is in high demand, and we want to ensure that eligibility groups are vaccinated as this may become more difficult as eligibility increases. If you are interested in getting vaccinated, you can book appointments at New York State-operated vaccination sites using Am I Eligible tool? or for additional New York City-operated sites.   

If your primary care physician is with ADAPT, our clinic will be reaching out to see if you are interested in receiving the vaccine. For persons supported by ADAPT, please contact your Program Directors for resources and additional information on how you can get vaccinated. If you are able to obtain a vaccine appointment sooner from another distribution site, you are encouraged to do so.    

We understand that many people are concerned about getting vaccinated; thus, we are offering a list of resources to equip you with the right information. If you have any questions about how the vaccine will affect your health, please contact your primary care doctor to determine if the vaccine is suitable for you. Please continue to wear face coverings, social distance, avoid crowds and wash your hands frequently to help reduce your chances of being exposed and spreading the virus.  

Stay Informed  

COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A – ADAPT Community Network 
Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccine
COVID-19 outcomes among people with intellectual and developmental disability living in residential group homes in New York State 
Am I Eligible?
COVID-19 Vaccine: Get Facts 





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