Welcome to this year's Virtual Family Connect Summit,
presented by ADAPT Community Network!
Captions are available for all sessions in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

¡Bienvenido a la Conferencia Virtual de Family Connect de este año,
presentada por ADAPT Community Network!

Los subtítulos están disponibles para todas las sesiones en inglés, español y chino.

由 ADAPT 社区网络介绍!


This workshop is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The views and information expressed by the presenters are their views and does not reflect the position or policy of ADAPT Community Network. Information included in this presentation may not be suitable for all families. The content is not to be considered medical, therapeutic, or legal advice and the information provided is not a substitute for a professional opinion. ADAPT strongly suggests that you consult your doctor, social worker, and/or therapist regarding specific questions and for further information. In no event shall ADAPT be liable for any type of loss or damage that could be construed as arising from this presentation.

Join Edward R. Matthews and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, New York State, in a discussion about programs and policies addressing the needs of people with disabilities.

PRESENTERS: Edward Matthews, CEO, ADAPT Community Network, and New York State Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Parent Advocacy: Now More Important Than Ever

Join us for this special panel of five diverse and accomplished parents as they share their experiences in advocating for their loved one and the special needs community. Learn how you too can successfully advocate for your family and initiate change in the lives of varied members of the special needs community.

PRESENTERS: Elly Rufer, Kerbanoo D’Rozario, Kim Madden, Kpana Kpoto, and Paola Jordan

A) Benefits and Entitlements for People with Disabilities

Learn about public benefits and Medicaid Waivers available to people with disabilities so you will have the knowledge to know what your loved ones may be eligible for.


PRESENTERS: Lin Perry, Family Project Director, Parent to Parent NYS

B) Housing and You

An introduction to the array of housing options and supports available for people with I/DD in New York State.

PRESENTERS: Melissa Wilcox, ADAPT Community Network; Carol Lincoln, ADAPT Community Network; Linda Schellenberg, Director of Community Services, CFNY

C) Effective Supervision of Your Child’s Support Staff: A Special Workshop for Parents

Parents will learn how to effectively train staff who work with their child at home to ensure their children will get the most out of the services they receive.


PRESENTER: Dr. Eileen Hopkins, Deputy Executive Director at Eden II Programs

D) How to Help Children Succeed in School Through Assistive Technology

Learn how assistive technology is used to help children with special needs participate more fully in academic activities.


PRESENTER: Peter Pitaressi, Director of TRAID/TechWorks, David Carroca, OTR/L, M.Ed (D75- Assistive Technology Director), & Colleen F. Warn, PT, ATP (Director, Center for Assistive Technology, Office of related Services) Lindsey Huntley, AAC/AT Supervisor Center for Assistive Technology

E) Partnering with Parents: Lessons from the Pandemic

Join us for this Ramapo workshop where we will discuss the physical, emotional, and spiritual lessons learned from the pandemic, and discuss the impact the pandemic has had on parent engagement, relationships with community, and the changing expectations in outcomes for students in schools, as well as discuss how we can continue to be stronger, more resilient, more knowledgeable, and more caring individuals.

PRESENTER: Evelyn Alvarez, Senior Director, Family Partnerships at Ramapo for Children

F) Promoting Regular Sleep Patterns in Individuals with Autism

Sleep problems are frequently reported in individuals on the autistic spectrum. This session will discuss some common barriers to sleep and a variety of sleep issues that may occur, from difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep to sleeping in the parent’s bed against the parent’s wishes. The session will focus on the importance of the assessment of sleep behavior and the use of a sleep diary. There will be a review of proactive strategies and interventions to promote regular sleep patterns. Data collection and analysis of sleep behavior will be discussed.

PRESENTERS: Dr. Mary McDonald

G) Understanding Challenging behavior in Individuals with ASD: Developing a Proactive Approach

The focus of this session will be to highlight important assessment considerations when addressing the challenging behaviors of learners with autism spectrum disorders. Attendees will be provided with a myriad of assessment tools and data collection systems to guide them in understanding the functions of challenging behaviors. These tools and strategies are discussed with respect to the subsequent development of comprehensive, individually-tailored, behavioral interventions. Topics including data collection, reinforcement principles, functional behavioral assessment, proactive strategies for prevention of behavior and overcoming common obstacles will be discussed.


PRESENTERS: Dr. Mary McDonald

H) Transition to Adulthood and OPWDD Funded Services: What You Need to Know

This session will review the many OPWDD services available to individuals with I/DD both prior to and after graduation from school, with an emphasis on the different Day Habilitation and Employment service options. We will cover the steps in establishing eligibility for OPWDD services, and how to find the most appropriate services and supports to meet each individual’s needs and wants. Finally, we will provide an overview of how ADAPT Community Network’s Adult Learning and Community Connections programs support people in learning new skills, pursuing individual interests and attaining their personal goals and dreams.


PRESENTER: Karen Liebman, Coordinator of Operations, Program Services, Kelly Spina, Coordinator of Operations, Adult Day Service & Horatio Woods, Director, Supported Employment, ADAPT Community Network 


Vonage (Nasdaq: VG), a global cloud communications leader, helps businesses accelerate their digital transformation. Vonage’s Communications Platform is fully programmable and allows for the integration of Video, Voice, Chat, Messaging and Verification into existing products, workflows and systems. Vonage’s fully programmable unified communications and contact center applications are built from the Vonage platform and enable companies to transform how they communicate and operate from the office or anywhere, providing enormous flexibility and ensuring business continuity.

NYSARC Trust Services administers pooled special needs trusts and has helped people with disabilities protect their financial eligibility for benefits since 1972 Our pooled trust programs can help you: • Plan for the future needs of a loved one with a disability • Protect unexpected windfalls of money (inheritance, retroactive benefit payment, settlement award, etc.) • Preserve income and assets for Medicaid planning purposes and long-term care needs For more information, please call (518) 439-8323 or visit www.nysarctrustservices.org.

Partners Health Plan (PHP) is committed to person-centered care planning that provides support to assist our members in accessing the highest quality healthcare and services, promoting good health and wellness, improving quality of life and supporting each member to live the life they choose. PHP’s plan provides care management services and medical coverage to individuals with IDD, eligible for Medicaid and Medicare, in the downstate NY area. Please visit us at www.phpcares.org or call us at 855-747-5483.

CoPilot Services are the core of what Pilot|RB brings to its clients. From helping employees navigate the healthcare system to working with employers to keep them in compliance, CoPilot aims to meet the needs of clients and their employees with all their risk and benefits needed.

Birch Family Services empowers individuals with autism and developmental disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. For more than 45 years, Birch has been a leading provider of education, employment, and residential programs in New York City.

From preschool to graduation, employment and beyond, the organization supports more than 2,000 individuals and their families each year as they navigate significant transitions across their lifetime.

LIMITLESS. — without end, limit, or boundary. That is what the mission of LIMITLESS STYLUS is all about. Paul Tudisco, founder, and CEO’s vision introduced a revolutionary device to help improve the betterment of people with limited mobility and physical challenges. Paul’s idea was to give people with disabilities the empowerment to “know no limit” with the help of his stylus device. Working closely with Adapt Community Network (formerly UCP of NYC), Paul was able to share his thoughts and inspirations behind the device. The LIMITLESS STYLUS product attaches to the wrist of the user and allows one to use a touch screen device with the simplest of ease. Visit www.limitedstylus.com today to see the device “in-action”, to read about the features, as-well-as the product information, and to purchase. Let Paul help guide you on how and what Limitless Style can do for you.

Disability Studies is an emerging academic field that explores disability from multiple perspectives, including the social sciences, humanities, science, and the law. The CUNY School of Professional Studies offers groundbreaking, fully accredited online degree and certificate programs within Disability Studies. Programs include the BA in Disability Studies, MA in Disability Studies, MS in Disability Services in Higher Education, Advanced Certificate in Disability Studies, and the Advanced Certificate in Disability Services in Higher Education.

At Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), we are dedicated to protecting every child’s right to an education, focusing on students from low-income backgrounds who are struggling in school or experiencing school discrimination of any kind. Our staff of attorneys and education specialists provide free legal and advocacy services, including representation at school-related hearings and appeals, and a wide range of resources — including fact sheets, workshops, and trainings — to help families stand up for their children’s educational rights.

INCLUDEnyc (www.includenyc.org) is the leading provider of training and information for young people with any disability from 0-26, their families, and the professionals who support them in New York City. INCLUDEnyc assists more than 15,000 people each year and reaches nearly a million individuals through digital communications and community outreach. Founded in 1983, INCLUDEnyc believes every young person should be fully included in school, in the workforce, in the community -– and should have access to resources, services, and supports to succeed.

NY Connects is OPEN and operating remotely!
CIDNY’s NY Connects program is a free, trusted place to go for information about benefits, resources, and services that support people with disabilities. We work with New Yorkers of all ages and with any type of disability. (Visible and Invisible) NY Connects can help people with disabilities:
• Remain independent
• Understand paths to care
• Discover transportation options
• Get answers about Medicaid, Medicare, and health insurance
• Apply for benefits including Guardianship,Homecare SSI, SSDI, and CDPAP
• Learn housing options
• Get help with food resources

Get in touch today to let us know how we can help 1-844-862-7930. Find NY connects online at https://www.cindy.org/nyconnects

Goodwill Industries NYNJ Day Services provides the following services: Day Habilitation without Walls, Community Based Prevocational Services, Saturday Respite, ADVANCE – program for residents of Manhattan & The Bronx with ASD but doesn’t have OPWDD eligibility, Brooklyn Prospects – program for residents of any borough with any disability but doesn’t have OPWDD eligibility, SEMP, and Family Reimbursement for residents of the Bronx.
The contact person is Porsha Brown – pbrown@goodwillny.org – 347.906.2556
We service every borough EXCEPT Staten Island

NYC FAIR (Family Advocacy & Information Resource)
Dedicated to creating a network of informed and empowered family members and friends to be effective advocates for the ID/DD community. For more information, please visit http://www.nycfamilyadvocacyinformationresource.org/.

Unlimited FREE audiobooks! If you have low vision, a physical disability, or a reading disability, you can get free talking books and a talking book player mailed to your door, a free mobile app to listen on-the-go, braille-learning materials, and technology coaching from the Andrew Heiskell Library. Choose from over 145,000 titles! For more information visit talkingbooks.nypl.org.

The NYC Poison Control Center is an emergency telephone hotline. Poison Control Centers are staffed by registered pharmacists and nurses who are certified in poison information. Our specialists respond to both intentional and unintentional exposures by providing callers information on patient treatment, poison prevention and educational programs. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls are free of charge and confidential. In addition, translation services are provided in more than 150 languages. Call 212-764-7667 or 1800-222-1222 with any questions about medicines, cleaners and disinfectants. Help is a call away!

ipad donors

Thank you to our tech donors for their generous contributions!

Únase a Edward R. Matthews y Kirsten Gillibrand, Senadora del Estado de Nueva York, en una discusión sobre programas y políticas que abordan las necesidades de las personas con discapacidades.

Presentadores: Edward Matthews, CEO, ADAPT Community Network, e Senadora del Estado de Nueva York, Kirsten Gillibrand

Como Hacer Valer los Derechos de su Niño(a) con Discapacidad

Únase a nuestro panel de padres activistas en el área de discapacidad como ellos comparten su experiencia en abogar por los derechos de sus hijos con necesidades especiales. Aprenda como puede abogar de manera asertiva como miembro de familia para iniciar el cambio en la vida de su ser querido con discapacidad y la diversas necesidades de esta comunidad.

Presentadores: Elly Rufer, Kerbanoo D’Rozario, Kim Madden, Kpana Kpoto, y Paola Jordan

A) Beneficios y Derechos para Personas con Discapacidad

Aprenda sobre los beneficios públicos y las excepciones de Medicaid disponibles para las personas con discapacidades para que tenga el conocimiento para saber para qué pueden ser elegibles sus seres queridos.

Presentadores: Lin Perry, Directora del Proyecto Familiar, Parent to Parent NYS

B) La Vivienda y Usted

Una introducción a la variedad de opciones de vivienda y apoyos disponibles para personas con discapacidad en el estado de Nueva York.

Presentadores: Linda Schellenberg, Directora de Servicios Comunitarios, The Center for Family Support; de ADAPT Community Network, Melissa Wilcox, Directora de ISS y Carol Lincoln, Vicepresidenta Asistente de Managed Care

C) Supervisión efectiva del personal de apoyo de su hijo(a) en el hogar: un taller especial para padres

Los padres aprenderán cómo capacitar efectivamente al personal que trabaja con su hijo en el hogar para garantizar que sus hijos obtengan el máximo provecho de los servicios que reciben.


Presentadores: Dra. Eileen Hopkins, Directora Ejecutivo del Programa de Eden II

D) Cómo ayudar a los niños a tener éxito en la escuela a través de la tecnología asistida.

Aprenda cómo obtener y utilizar los servicios de tecnologia asistida para ayudar a niños y jovenes con necesidades especiales.


Presentadores: Peter Pitaressi, Director de TRAID/TechWorks en ADAPT Community,
David Carroca, OTR/L, M.Ed (D75- Director de Tecnología de Asistencia), y Colleen F. Warn, PT, ATP (Directora, Centro de Tecnología de Asistencia, Oficina de Servicios Relacionados) Lindsey Huntley, AAC/AT Supervisora del Centro de Tecnología de Asistencia

E) Colaboracion con los Padres de familia: Lecciones aprendidas durante la Pandemia

Únase a nosotros para este taller de Ramapo donde discutiremos los aprendizages que la pandemia nos a dejado en relacion al area emocional, fisica y espiritual y el impacto en la participacion de padres de familias. Se discutira el impacto de la pandemia como afecta las relaciones en la comunidad y los cambios de expectativas que influencian directamente los logros de los estudiantes dentro de las escuelas. Tambien se discutira como continuaremos siendo más fuertes, mas resilentes y más compasivos.

Presentadores: Evelyn Alvarez, Senior Director, Family Partnerships at Ramapo for Children

F) Promover Patrones de Sueño Regulares en Personas con Autismo

Los problemas del sueño se informan con frecuencia en individuos en el espectro autista. Esta sesión discutirá algunas barreras comunes para dormir y una variedad de problemas de sueño que pueden ocurrir, desde dificultad para conciliar el sueño y permanecer dormido hasta dormir en la cama de los padres en contra de los deseos de los padres. La sesión se centrará en la importancia de la evaluación del comportamiento del sueño y el uso de un diario de sueño. Habrá una revisión de estrategias e intervenciones proactivas para promover patrones de sueño regulares. Se discutirá la recopilación de datos y el análisis del comportamiento del sueño.

Presentadores: Dra. Mary McDonald

G) Comprender el comportamiento desafiante en personas con Autismo: Desarrollar un enfoque proactivo

El enfoque de esta sesión será resaltar las consideraciones importantes de evaluación al abordar los comportamientos desafiantes de los estudiantes con trastornos del espectro autista. A los asistentes se les proporcionará una gran cantidad de herramientas de evaluación y sistemas de recopilación de datos para guiarlos en la comprensión de las funciones de los comportamientos desafiantes. Estas herramientas y estrategias se discuten con respecto al desarrollo posterior de intervenciones conductuales integrales, adaptadas individualmente. Se discutirán temas que incluyen la recopilación de datos, los principios de refuerzo, la evaluación funcional del comportamiento, las estrategias proactivas para la prevención del comportamiento y la superación de obstáculos comunes.


Presentadores: Dra. Mary McDonald

H) Transición a la Edad Adulta y Servicios Financiados por OPWDD: Lo que Necesita Saber

Esta sesión revisará los muchos servicios de OPWDD disponibles para las personas con discapacidades tanto antes como después de la graduación de la escuela, con énfasis en las diferentes opciones de servicios de habilitación diaria y empleo. Cubriremos los pasos para establecer la elegibilidad para los servicios de OPWDD, y cómo encontrar los servicios y apoyos más apropiados para satisfacer las necesidades y deseos de cada individuo. Finalmente, proporcionaremos una visión general de cómo los programas de Aprendizaje de Adultos y Conexiones Comunitarias de Adapt Community Network apoyan a las personas en el aprendizaje de nuevas habilidades, la búsqueda de intereses individuales y el logro de sus metas y sueños personales.


Presentadores: Karen Liebman, Coordinadora de Operaciones, Servicios del Programa, Kelly Spina, Coordinadora de Operaciones, Adult Day Service & Horatio Woods, Director, Empleo apoyado, ADAPT Community Network


Vonage (Nasdaq: VG), a global cloud communications leader, helps businesses accelerate their digital transformation. Vonage’s Communications Platform is fully programmable and allows for the integration of Video, Voice, Chat, Messaging and Verification into existing products, workflows and systems. Vonage’s fully programmable unified communications and contact center applications are built from the Vonage platform and enable companies to transform how they communicate and operate from the office or anywhere, providing enormous flexibility and ensuring business continuity.

NYSARC Trust Services administers pooled special needs trusts and has helped people with disabilities protect their financial eligibility for benefits since 1972 Our pooled trust programs can help you:
• Plan for the future needs of a loved one with a disability
• Protect unexpected windfalls of money (inheritance, retroactive benefit payment, settlement award, etc.)
• Preserve income and assets for Medicaid planning purposes and long-term care needs 

For more information, please call (518) 439-8323 or visit www.nysarctrustservices.org.

Partners Health Plan (PHP) is committed to person-centered care planning that provides support to assist our members in accessing the highest quality healthcare and services, promoting good health and wellness, improving quality of life and supporting each member to live the life they choose. PHP’s plan provides care management services and medical coverage to individuals with IDD, eligible for Medicaid and Medicare, in the downstate NY area. Please visit us at www.phpcares.org or call us at 855-747-5483.

CoPilot Services are the core of what Pilot|RB brings to its clients. From helping employees navigate the healthcare system to working with employers to keep them in compliance, CoPilot aims to meet the needs of clients and their employees with all their risk and benefits needed.

Birch Family Services empowers individuals with autism and developmental disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. For more than 45 years, Birch has been a leading provider of education, employment, and residential programs in New York City.

From preschool to graduation, employment and beyond, the organization supports more than 2,000 individuals and their families each year as they navigate significant transitions across their lifetime.

LIMITLESS. — without end, limit, or boundary. That is what the mission of LIMITLESS STYLUS is all about. Paul Tudisco, founder, and CEO’s vision introduced a revolutionary device to help improve the betterment of people with limited mobility and physical challenges. Paul’s idea was to give people with disabilities the empowerment to “know no limit” with the help of his stylus device. Working closely with Adapt Community Network (formerly UCP of NYC), Paul was able to share his thoughts and inspirations behind the device. The LIMITLESS STYLUS product attaches to the wrist of the user and allows one to use a touch screen device with the simplest of ease. Visit www.limitedstylus.com today to see the device “in-action”, to read about the features, as-well-as the product information, and to purchase. Let Paul help guide you on how and what Limitless Style can do for you.

Disability Studies is an emerging academic field that explores disability from multiple perspectives, including the social sciences, humanities, science, and the law. The CUNY School of Professional Studies offers groundbreaking, fully accredited online degree and certificate programs within Disability Studies. Programs include the BA in Disability Studies, MA in Disability Studies, MS in Disability Services in Higher Education, Advanced Certificate in Disability Studies, and the Advanced Certificate in Disability Services in Higher Education.

At Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), we are dedicated to protecting every child’s right to an education, focusing on students from low-income backgrounds who are struggling in school or experiencing school discrimination of any kind. Our staff of attorneys and education specialists provide free legal and advocacy services, including representation at school-related hearings and appeals, and a wide range of resources — including fact sheets, workshops, and trainings — to help families stand up for their children’s educational rights.

INCLUDEnyc (www.includenyc.org) is the leading provider of training and information for young people with any disability from 0-26, their families, and the professionals who support them in New York City. INCLUDEnyc assists more than 15,000 people each year and reaches nearly a million individuals through digital communications and community outreach. Founded in 1983, INCLUDEnyc believes every young person should be fully included in school, in the workforce, in the community -– and should have access to resources, services, and supports to succeed.

NY Connects is OPEN and operating remotely!
CIDNY’s NY Connects program is a free, trusted place to go for information about benefits, resources, and services that support people with disabilities. We work with New Yorkers of all ages and with any type of disability. (Visible and Invisible) NY Connects can help people with disabilities:
• Remain independent
• Understand paths to care
• Discover transportation options
• Get answers about Medicaid, Medicare, and health insurance
• Apply for benefits including Guardianship,Homecare SSI, SSDI, and CDPAP
• Learn housing options
• Get help with food resources

Get in touch today to let us know how we can help 1-844-862-7930. Find NY connects online at https://www.cindy.org/nyconnects

Goodwill Industries NYNJ Day Services provides the following services: Day Habilitation without Walls, Community Based Prevocational Services, Saturday Respite, ADVANCE – program for residents of Manhattan & The Bronx with ASD but doesn’t have OPWDD eligibility, Brooklyn Prospects – program for residents of any borough with any disability but doesn’t have OPWDD eligibility, SEMP, and Family Reimbursement for residents of the Bronx.
The contact person is Porsha Brown – pbrown@goodwillny.org – 347.906.2556
We service every borough EXCEPT Staten Island

NYC FAIR (Family Advocacy & Information Resource)
Dedicated to creating a network of informed and empowered family members and friends to be effective advocates for the ID/DD community. For more information, please visit http://www.nycfamilyadvocacyinformationresource.org/.

Unlimited FREE audiobooks! If you have low vision, a physical disability, or a reading disability, you can get free talking books and a talking book player mailed to your door, a free mobile app to listen on-the-go, braille-learning materials, and technology coaching from the Andrew Heiskell Library. Choose from over 145,000 titles! For more information visit talkingbooks.nypl.org.

The NYC Poison Control Center is an emergency telephone hotline. Poison Control Centers are staffed by registered pharmacists and nurses who are certified in poison information. Our specialists respond to both intentional and unintentional exposures by providing callers information on patient treatment, poison prevention and educational programs. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls are free of charge and confidential. In addition, translation services are provided in more than 150 languages. Call 212-764-7667 or 1800-222-1222 with any questions about medicines, cleaners and disinfectants. Help is a call away!

ipad donors

Thank you to our tech donors for their generous contributions!


可能的演讲者: 爱德华·马修斯,适应社区网络首席执行官,嘉宾



可能的演讲者: 父母: Elly Rufer, Kerbanoo D’Rozario, Kim Madden, Kpana Kpoto, Paola Jordan

A) 残疾人的福利和权利



可能的演讲者: 林佩里,家庭项目主任,父母对父母NYS

B) 住房和你


可能的演讲者: 梅丽莎·威尔科克斯,适应社区网络;卡罗尔·林肯,适应社区网络;琳达·舍伦伯格,纽约社区服务部主任

C) 有效监督孩子的支持人员:家长特别研讨会



可能的演讲者: 艾琳·霍普金斯博士,伊甸园二世

D) 如何通过辅助技术帮助孩子在学校取得成功



可能的演讲者: 彼得·皮塔雷西,TRAID/技术工厂总监,
林赛·亨特利, AAC/AT辅助技术主管中心

E) 与父母合作:从大流行中吸取的教训(小组)

参加这次拉马波研讨会,我们将讨论从大流行中学到的身体、情感和精神教训,讨论大流行对家长参与、与社区关系的影响,以及学校学生对结果的期望变化,并讨论如何继续更强大、更有弹性, 更知识渊博,更有爱心的个人。

可能的演讲者: 伊芙琳·阿尔瓦雷斯

F) 促进自闭症患者的定期睡眠模式

孤独症患者中经常报告睡眠问题。 本次会议将讨论一些常见的睡眠障碍和可能发生的各种睡眠问题,从难以入睡和保持睡眠到违背父母意愿睡在父母的床上。 会议将重点讨论评估睡眠行为和使用睡眠日记的重要性。 将审查积极的战略和干预措施,以促进定期睡眠模式。将讨论睡眠行为的数据收集和分析。

可能的演讲者: 玛丽·麦克唐纳,BCBA博士,

G) 了解患有 ASD 的个人的具有挑战性的行为:开发主动方法

本次会议的重点将是在解决自闭症谱系障碍学习者具有挑战性的行为时,突出重要的评估考虑。 与会者将获得无数的评估工具和数据收集系统,以指导他们理解具有挑战性的行为的功能。 这些工具和战略是讨论关于随后制定全面的、单独定制的行为干预措施的。 将讨论数据收集、强化原则、功能行为评估、预防行为的前瞻性战略和克服常见障碍等主题。


可能的演讲者: 玛丽·麦克唐纳,BCBA博士,

H) 过渡到成人和 OPWDD 资助服务:您需要了解的内容

本期会议将审查在毕业前后为I/DD患者提供的许多OPWDD服务,重点是不同的日化和就业服务选项。 我们将涵盖确定 OPWDD 服务资格的步骤,以及如何找到最合适的服务和支持,以满足每个人的需求和需求。 最后,我们将概述适应社区网络的成人学习和社区连接计划如何支持人们学习新技能、追求个人兴趣和实现个人目标和梦想。


可能的演讲者: 凯伦·利布曼,运营,项目服务协调员,凯利·斯皮纳,成人日服务和霍雷肖·伍兹运营协调员,支持就业,适应社区网络主任


Vonage (Nasdaq: VG), a global cloud communications leader, helps businesses accelerate their digital transformation. Vonage’s Communications Platform is fully programmable and allows for the integration of Video, Voice, Chat, Messaging and Verification into existing products, workflows and systems. Vonage’s fully programmable unified communications and contact center applications are built from the Vonage platform and enable companies to transform how they communicate and operate from the office or anywhere, providing enormous flexibility and ensuring business continuity.

NYSARC Trust Services administers pooled special needs trusts and has helped people with disabilities protect their financial eligibility for benefits since 1972 Our pooled trust programs can help you:
• Plan for the future needs of a loved one with a disability
• Protect unexpected windfalls of money (inheritance, retroactive benefit payment, settlement award, etc.)
• Preserve income and assets for Medicaid planning purposes and long-term care needs 

For more information, please call (518) 439-8323 or visit www.nysarctrustservices.org.

Partners Health Plan (PHP) is committed to person-centered care planning that provides support to assist our members in accessing the highest quality healthcare and services, promoting good health and wellness, improving quality of life and supporting each member to live the life they choose. PHP’s plan provides care management services and medical coverage to individuals with IDD, eligible for Medicaid and Medicare, in the downstate NY area. Please visit us at www.phpcares.org or call us at 855-747-5483.

CoPilot Services are the core of what Pilot|RB brings to its clients. From helping employees navigate the healthcare system to working with employers to keep them in compliance, CoPilot aims to meet the needs of clients and their employees with all their risk and benefits needed.

Birch Family Services empowers individuals with autism and developmental disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. For more than 45 years, Birch has been a leading provider of education, employment, and residential programs in New York City.

From preschool to graduation, employment and beyond, the organization supports more than 2,000 individuals and their families each year as they navigate significant transitions across their lifetime.

LIMITLESS. — without end, limit, or boundary. That is what the mission of LIMITLESS STYLUS is all about. Paul Tudisco, founder, and CEO’s vision introduced a revolutionary device to help improve the betterment of people with limited mobility and physical challenges. Paul’s idea was to give people with disabilities the empowerment to “know no limit” with the help of his stylus device. Working closely with Adapt Community Network (formerly UCP of NYC), Paul was able to share his thoughts and inspirations behind the device. The LIMITLESS STYLUS product attaches to the wrist of the user and allows one to use a touch screen device with the simplest of ease. Visit www.limitedstylus.com today to see the device “in-action”, to read about the features, as-well-as the product information, and to purchase. Let Paul help guide you on how and what Limitless Style can do for you.

Disability Studies is an emerging academic field that explores disability from multiple perspectives, including the social sciences, humanities, science, and the law. The CUNY School of Professional Studies offers groundbreaking, fully accredited online degree and certificate programs within Disability Studies. Programs include the BA in Disability Studies, MA in Disability Studies, MS in Disability Services in Higher Education, Advanced Certificate in Disability Studies, and the Advanced Certificate in Disability Services in Higher Education.

At Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), we are dedicated to protecting every child’s right to an education, focusing on students from low-income backgrounds who are struggling in school or experiencing school discrimination of any kind. Our staff of attorneys and education specialists provide free legal and advocacy services, including representation at school-related hearings and appeals, and a wide range of resources — including fact sheets, workshops, and trainings — to help families stand up for their children’s educational rights.

INCLUDEnyc (www.includenyc.org) is the leading provider of training and information for young people with any disability from 0-26, their families, and the professionals who support them in New York City. INCLUDEnyc assists more than 15,000 people each year and reaches nearly a million individuals through digital communications and community outreach. Founded in 1983, INCLUDEnyc believes every young person should be fully included in school, in the workforce, in the community -– and should have access to resources, services, and supports to succeed.

NY Connects is OPEN and operating remotely!
CIDNY’s NY Connects program is a free, trusted place to go for information about benefits, resources, and services that support people with disabilities. We work with New Yorkers of all ages and with any type of disability. (Visible and Invisible) NY Connects can help people with disabilities:
• Remain independent
• Understand paths to care
• Discover transportation options
• Get answers about Medicaid, Medicare, and health insurance
• Apply for benefits including Guardianship,Homecare SSI, SSDI, and CDPAP
• Learn housing options
• Get help with food resources

Get in touch today to let us know how we can help 1-844-862-7930. Find NY connects online at https://www.cindy.org/nyconnects

Goodwill Industries NYNJ Day Services provides the following services: Day Habilitation without Walls, Community Based Prevocational Services, Saturday Respite, ADVANCE – program for residents of Manhattan & The Bronx with ASD but doesn’t have OPWDD eligibility, Brooklyn Prospects – program for residents of any borough with any disability but doesn’t have OPWDD eligibility, SEMP, and Family Reimbursement for residents of the Bronx.
The contact person is Porsha Brown – pbrown@goodwillny.org – 347.906.2556
We service every borough EXCEPT Staten Island

NYC FAIR (Family Advocacy & Information Resource)
Dedicated to creating a network of informed and empowered family members and friends to be effective advocates for the ID/DD community. For more information, please visit http://www.nycfamilyadvocacyinformationresource.org/.

Unlimited FREE audiobooks! If you have low vision, a physical disability, or a reading disability, you can get free talking books and a talking book player mailed to your door, a free mobile app to listen on-the-go, braille-learning materials, and technology coaching from the Andrew Heiskell Library. Choose from over 145,000 titles! For more information visit talkingbooks.nypl.org.

The NYC Poison Control Center is an emergency telephone hotline. Poison Control Centers are staffed by registered pharmacists and nurses who are certified in poison information. Our specialists respond to both intentional and unintentional exposures by providing callers information on patient treatment, poison prevention and educational programs. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls are free of charge and confidential. In addition, translation services are provided in more than 150 languages. Call 212-764-7667 or 1800-222-1222 with any questions about medicines, cleaners and disinfectants. Help is a call away!

ipad donors

Thank you to our tech donors for their generous contributions!

Edward R. Matthews, Chief Executive Officer of ADAPT Community Network (formerly UCP of NYC), has worked in the developmental disabilities field since 1974. He was appointed CEO of UCP of NYC in 1989, and it is now the largest UCP affiliate in the United Sates providing services to more than 20,000 children, adults and their families throughout New York City.  He spent 10 years in State Government where he directed the team responsible for the acquisition of all residential and day program sites to implement the deinstitutionalization of Willowbrook.

In February 2011, Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed Mr. Matthews, along with a select group of individual leaders, to be a member of the Medicaid Redesign Team, a special taskforce responsible for the overhaul of New York State’s massive Medicaid system.  In addition, he was appointed by OPWDD to serve on the Steering Committee to implement the People First Waiver, a partnership between New York State and the federal government to reconstruct the Medicaid funding system for New York’s citizens with developmental disabilities, to provide them greater choice and access and reduce costs.  He was also appointed to be a member of the OPWDD Provider Association and the OPWDD workgroup tasked with modernizing the fiscal financial platform.  He is the past Chair of the Board of Managers of Care Design NY, one of the designated Care Coordination Organizations in New York State, and is a Board Member of Partnerships for Healthcare Solutions, Inc., the parent company of Partners Health Plan.

Elly Rufer has been a strong advocate for both her children, Daniel and Katie. Katie has a complex seizure disorder, intellectual disabilities, and social anxiety issues. As a parent, Elly believes advocating for her children is an ongoing process. Elly became chair of every Parent Association in every school and program Katie participated from preschool to the 853 school she attended in Queens, and the Adult Services world. As the service system started shrinking, Elly & Meri Krassner started NYC FAIR to have a citywide organization to help families understand the service system and the need to advocate to preserve the supports and services we all depend on no matter the disability or level of support. NYC FAIR has joined forces with other volunteer advocacy groups across New York State to form SWAN (Statewide Advocacy Network).

Kpana Kpoto is a parent of a 5-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son who both receive special education services. She is also the co-founder of Bronx Parents Autism Support Circle (an autism parent support group), and the Manager of Parent and Family Engagement-Early Childhood at INCLUDEnyc. Currently, Kpana is pursuing her master’s degree in Disability Studies at the CUNY School of Professional Studies.

Kim Madden is the Director of Family Support at Advocates for Children of New York, Inc. (AFC), where she has worked for the past 14 years. She is an attorney and graduated from NYU Law School. At AFC, she coordinates AFC’s training and outreach with parents, leads AFC’s involvement with the Jose P. case, a large class action case involving special education, and has worked on hundreds of individual student cases.  She also co-founded and taught a Special Education Law Clinic at Cardozo Law School. Kim first contacted AFC when she was having problems with her son’s Early Intervention services.  Her son is now a high school student with an IEP in a New York City public school, and he teaches her much more than practicing law ever has.

Kerbanoo has been involved with the education system since 1990. She focuses her energy as a special needs parent, her talent as an artist and her calling as an educator to constantly contribute to and improve the Special Needs Community, with a keen focus on providing advocacy to help & connect families to different resources & educate them about their rights.

Kerbanoo worked as the Regional Coordinator at Parent-to-Parent NYS (2012-2021). She is presently working with individuals as a Special Skills Coach & is on the Queens Council on Developmental Disabilities Executive Board as a Parent-Vice Chair. Through her role in Special Needs Advocacy, Kerbanoo organizes workshops for families and parent support groups. Apart from her focus on the Special Needs Community, Kerbanoo owns and manages an Event and Catering brand.

Paola is a program manager and advocate specialized in disabilities policy, successful at engaging families from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds in advocacy. She graduated from the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, where she received her Executive Master of Public Administration degree.  She is currently the Co-director of the Metropolitan Parent Center as well as continue her role as the coordinator of the Autism Initiative Project at Sinergia Inc. Paola is responsible for overseeing the Parent Center team, provide individualize services for clients, grant reporting and expansion of both programs, among other responsibilities.

Before assuming the Autism Initiative coordination role in 2013, she worked with the Embassy of Spain, Trade Commission, where she prepared commercial agendas, organized, and supported Spanish companies visiting the country. After her daughter received the autism spectrum disorder diagnosis at age 2, she decided to focus her attention in acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to help her child, and other kids and families, who were experiencing similar barriers accessing services for their loved ones.

Lin Perry is the Project Director of the Family to Family Healthcare Information Center at Parent to Parent of New York State which is a statewide grant aimed at providing information and supporting families who have a child with special health care needs.  She is also the mother of four children with a non-specific connective tissue disorder, her oldest son also has autism and ADHD and her youngest son has ADHD.  It’s Lin’s firm belief that parents become stronger advocates when they are connected to other parents who are living a similar experience and with whom they can openly share their joys and concerns. Lin feels honored to be able to help parents and be part of their journey of advocating for their children and for better systems of care for all people living with special healthcare needs.

Melissa Wilcox- Wilcox, B.S Human Service & BS Psychology. Melissa has worked for four different non-profit organizations assisting those with developmental disabilities in the state of Pennsylvania in several capacities. Prior to coming to Adapt she was the Director of Residential Service for 23yrs. with Futures Community Support Services in Pennsylvania. She has been with Adapt Community Network for 5 yrs. She was a former Director of Residential Services in Staten Island and Manhattan. Her current role is the OPWDD Rental Subsidy Director. Ms. Wilcox is also Certified Housing Navigator and Housing Ambassador. She services on the agencies Incident Review and Rights Committees.

Carol Lincoln – Ms. Lincoln LMSW, has been with Adapt Community Network (formally United Cerebral Palsy of NYC) for just over 28 years. She started with assisting in the movement towards the HCBS waiver program and this evolved into the position of Director of MSC. Her current role is the Assistant Vice President of Managed Care to assist families with this transition. Ms. Lincoln is also an Adjunct Lecturer at the Borough of Manhattan Community College.

Linda Schellenberg is the Director of Community Services. She began working for The Center for Family Support in 2000.Linda is an LMSW and has a Master’s in Social Work from Stony Brook University. She began working in this field in 1995 as a Direct Support Professional. Ms. Schellenberg is a leader in the field in self-directed and individualized services.

Dr. Eileen Hopkins Dr. Hopkins is currently the Deputy Executive Director of the Eden II Programs. She is a graduate of the State University of New York at Binghamton, and holds a doctorate in neuropsychology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Dr. Hopkins has worked for over thirty years to provide quality services for people with autism spectrum disorders through the Eden II Programs, whose 700 caring and talented employees provide specialized supports to hundreds of children and adults each day. Her roles within the agency have changed over time, ranging from provision of direct care and teaching to her current role supporting the leadership of several departments, including psychological/behavioral services, nursing, human resources, information technology, quality assurance, and employee training and development. In addition to her work with the Eden II Programs, Dr. Hopkins is an adjunct assistant professor for the Department of Early Childhood Education/Art Education at Brooklyn College, and serves on the board of the Staten Island Opportunities Alliance, an organization focused on strengthening organizations and services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities on Staten Island.

Peter Pitaressi Peter Pitarresi is the Director of ADAPT Community Network’s TechWorks Department and functions as the program coordinator. Mr. Pitarresi has worked in various departments throughout ADAPT to match people with Assistive Technology products, equipment, and systems. As the Director of TechWorks, he specializes in Assistive Technology devices and services to help people maintain and increase their independence by providing free assistance for all New York City children and adults. He is also responsible for educating and acquiring Assistive Technology for people and allowing more independence in the home, school, workplace, and community.

David Carroca – David is the Director of Assistive Technology for District 75 – NYCDOE. He is also a NYS-licensed occupational therapist and special education teacher. The D75 assistive technology team provides evaluations and therapeutic interventions for students as well as implementation strategies for the District 75 community. In addition, David is part of the Universal Design for Learning Team, which serves to work with teachers, school administrators, classroom staff, parents and students to reduce barriers to instruction.

Colleen F. Warn – Colleen F. Warn is a pediatric based physical therapist with 20+ years of clinical experience and has been serving as the Director for the Center for Assistive Technology Team since 2018. Her current expertise is with supporting schools’ efforts to eliminate barriers faced by students in accessing their curriculum and achieving their academic goals. She brings extensive knowledge of and background in the use of assistive technology; quality IEP development; and identification and implementation of environmental adaptations. In addition, Colleen has experience working with children and young adults, ages 0-21, in other settings including home, medical and outpatient. In these various environments, Colleen was an integral team member in assisting children and family with initiating, obtaining and implementing assistive technology. Colleen is also a parent to a feisty 9 year-old daughter with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, who uses assistive technology and a dynamic speech generating device (Tobii i12+ EyeGaze with Communicator & Snap, Core First AAC Software) to access her education/communication interactions within her environment. During her spare time, Colleen enjoys traveling with her family, binge watching worthy shows on Netflix, practicing Yoga and, has recently started chasing the Milky Way for astrophotography.

Lindsey Huntley – Lindsey is a speech language pathologist who has worked for the Department of Education for over twenty-one years. She is ASHA certified, RESNA certified, and an Assistive Technology Professional. Lindsey has worked full-time for the New York City Department of Education, Assistive Technology team for the past sixteen years. For the past five years she has worked as the AT/AAC Speech Supervisor. She has conducted AAC/AT Evaluations, training, implementation support, and professional development for the past seventeen years. In addition, Lindsey was an Adjunct Professor at Adelphi University for its graduate Speech-Language Pathology program. Lindsey has also provided professional development on Augmentative and Alternative Communication to various school districts, organizations, and universities. Lindsey has presented pre-conference sessions both at ATIA and Closing the Gap.

Evelyn Alvarez (Senior Director, Family Partnerships). Evelyn has worked with young people and families in youth development and after school settings for fifteen years. She has worked with a variety of programs in different capacities, and has worked at every level of after-school programming, from group leader to program director. As a former community organizer, Evelyn has also received training in working specifically with adults. As a trainer, Evelyn has worked with middle and high school youth and parents, and recently co-authored a curriculum to develop a youth corps of peer leaders against dating violence. Always community-oriented, she is a devoted mentor, volunteer, and fundraiser. Evelyn studied economics as an undergrad and is pursuing a graduate degree in nonprofit management. Most recently, Evelyn founded Prom King, a program that provides dress clothes for young urban males and has been selected as a semifinalist for the Echoing Green Black Male Initiative Fellowship.

Dr. Mary McDonald – Dr. McDonald is a Professor in the Special Education Department at Hofstra University. She directs the Advanced Certificate Programs including the advanced certificate in ABA and the Advanced Certificate in Severe and Multiple Disabilities. She currently teaches courses related to autism spectrum disorders, applied behavior analysis and single subject research. Dr. McDonald serves as the Associate Executive Director of Long Island Programs for Eden II/Genesis. She has over 30 years of experience directing programs for students with autism from early intervention through adulthood. Dr. McDonald completed her PhD in Learning Theory at the CUNY Graduate Center and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst – Doctoral Level and a licensed behavior analyst in NY and Connecticut. Dr. McDonald serves on a number of advisory boards and presents at local, national and international conferences on the topic of autism. She has received awards from the New York State Association for Behavior Analysis and The Association for Behavior Analysis International. She has published a book on including students with ASD as well as chapters on technology and evidence-based interventions.  She has published peer-reviewed and popular articles on topics such as: self-management, social reciprocity, PECS, scripts and semantic mapping, creativity and Universal Design for Learning.

Karen Liebman – Ms. Liebman has been with Adapt Community Network (formally United Cerebral Palsy of NYC) for 21 years, initially within the MSC department.  In her current role as a Coordinator of Operations, Karen oversees the Adult Day Service’s Admissions Unit and also collaborates with programs throughout the agency to ensure services and supports are person-centered.  Karen has a Master’s degree in Disability Studies and is also an Adjunct Lecturer at CUNY School of Professional Studies. 

Kelly Spina – Ms. Spina LMSW has been in the field of social services and developmental disabilities for over 10+ years. In her current role as Sr. Coordinator of Operations, she oversees the Day Habilitation division for ADAPT Community Network (formally United Cerebral Palsy of NYC). Kelly has her Master’s degree in Social work and is a licensed therapist and researcher.

Horatio Wood – Mr.Woods has been with Adapt Community Network (formally United Cerebral Palsy of NYC) for 6 years. In his current role as a Director of Supported Employment, Horatio oversees the Supported Employment, Admissions Unit and collaborates with ACCESS VR and OPWDD (Office for People with Developmental Disabilities) programs throughout the city as well as the agency to ensure service. Horatio has a Bachelor of Art, in Psychology and Communication Studies and is currently in Graduate School, MS concentration in Organizational Leadership at Mercy College School of Professional Studies.