Family Support

Family Support

Finding the right services is a lot easier with advice and patient guidance from experts. The Family Connect team will help steer you to our Network’s many offerings and refer you to other resources when appropriate.


This provides critical financial support to eligible family members for everything from uninsured medical supplies to a computer, summer camp fees to adaptive equipment. Our Family Reimbursement program assists families with needs that often make all the difference in caring for a family member with a disability at home. A committee comprised of parents reviews applications and makes recommendations, based on a set of guidelines, for subsidies of up to $500 per family. We administer the program and implement the committee’s recommendations.

Our Family Reimbursement program provides critical support to eligible families. Items traditionally not covered by Medicaid but funded through family reimbursement often include: specialized clothing, uninsured medical supplies, adapted equipment, summer camp tuition, respite care, children’s furniture, nutritional items and care supplies.


The Housing Assistance Program provides a variety of services to eligible individuals and their families throughout New York City. Services include housing and accessibility rights education, landlord/tenant negotiations, code enforcement advocacy, help in expediting public housing applications, transfers, referral to legal services, evaluations for adaptive equipment and home modifications.



Simple home alterations can be life changing, helping individuals adapt to their home environment.

By widening doors and installing special switches, handrails and grab bars, individuals with limited mobility can move about more freely, access every room, and operate lights and equipment with ease. Installation of ramps and lifts provide increased access to the world outside the home. These types of modifications help people stay in their homes rather than a nursing home or institutionalized settings, while also increasing independence and mobility.

In addition, our housing case management services assist families in navigating the complex housing systems in New York City.




Caregivers sometimes need a break. We can help with that.

We offer the only freestanding, wheelchair accessible overnight respite home in New York City, located in a park-like setting in the Bronx. We offer 24-hour supervision with nursing services to individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities.

Community Habilitation

The Community Habilitation program at ADAPT is a person-driven, outcome-based service tailored to individual needs, wants, and preferences through the implementation of valued outcomes/goals. We provide 1 staff to 1 participant for those living with families or on their own in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island and Bronx.

Working together with individuals and their circle of support, we create and monitor comprehensive support plans that identify and attain their goals, create and foster accessibility, opportunity, and independence, as well as be an active participant in their community.

Supports include but are not limited to: adaptive skill development, training and support for independence in living and travel, adult educational supports, development of social skills, leisure skills, self-advocacy and informed choice skills, and guidance to assist the individual in accessing their community.

For information on applying, please contact Project Connect.


Caring for a child with a disability presents a host of joys and challenges. It’s important for families to feel supported, informed and connected to one another.

ADAPT’s Family Connect offer free workshops, support services and educational resources for New York City parents and families of children with disabilities. Families are encouraged to learn, explore resources and participate in improving outcomes and supports for all children with disabilities.

Resources include:

  • Training workshops and forums on a variety of topics (available in English and Spanish)
  • Introductions to collaborative relationships in the community- liaisons between schools, resource libraries, demonstration centers and clinical programs
  • Up-to-date community resource information
  • Empowerment and advocacy
  • Confidential guidance

For more information about Family Connect contact (718) 436-7979 ext. 704

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