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Join Us For The 16th Annual Adapt Community Network Golf Tournament September 25, Hosted By Mr. G, Pix 11 Emmy Award Winning Meteorologist

We are looking forward to our 16th Annual ADAPT Community Network Golf Tournament to be held at Brae Burn Country Club in Purchase, New York on Monday, September 25th, 2017. This annual tournament attracts over 150 golfers for a uniquely enjoyable day of golf and entertainment in support of ADAPT’s life-affirming programs and services for children and adults with disabilities and their families. The golf tournament will be hosted by Mr. G, four-time Emmy award winning meteorologist, WPIX 11 News and one of New York’s legendary weathermen.

Please join us!  If you haven’t purchased a foursome or individual spot to play at the newly renovated luxury Brae Burn golf course, there are only 5 foursomes left. For more information visit: www.adaptcommunitynetwork/golf2017

“Mr. G has been dedicated to helping ADAPT raise awareness about the many programs and services we offer for many years,” says Edward R. Matthews, CEO, ADAPT Community Network.

The event includes a presentation of the ADAPT Community Network Corporate Champion Award. This year’s recipient is Mark Senders, Principal at Pilot RB – one of ADAPT’s generous, long-time supporters whose organization will also sponsor this year’s tournament. This award recognizes individuals who demonstrate the power to inspire and lead as role models for people with and without disabilities.

The 16th Annual ADAPT Community Network Golf Tournament is presented by the Carmel Family.

Tournament Schedule for Monday, September 25
9:00 am:      Player Registration & Breakfast Served
10:30 am:    Shotgun Start
4:00 pm:      Cocktails Begin
5:00 pm:      Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres, Award Ceremony & Raffle
7:00 pm:      Event Ends

For questions about the event, please contact Louisa Laverde at 212-683-6700, ext. 1201, For media inquiries, please contact Matt Flynn at or (917) 626-1300 or Petra Tuomi at



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