
Individuals Volunteer at Local Bronx Food Pantry

Last fall, individuals at the Bronx Day Program began giving back to their local community by volunteering at a nearby food pantry.

In the fall of 2016, individuals at 137th Street Bronx Day Program started volunteering at a nearby food pantry called NY Common Pantry. The program provides food for senior citizens in the area. Two of the consistent volunteers are Tomas and Noelle, who work each Monday to pack bags of food that senior citizens are able to come and pick up. Tomas and Noelle are working on their socialization, teamwork, and independence skills. Both individuals have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity and increased responsibility through volunteering.

More recently, NY Common Pantry was kind enough to invite the program to a volunteer appreciation event. Although Tomas and Noelle could not attend, ADAPT was represented by staff members Jackie Salerno and Sarah Sipes, who identified the opportunity and helped both Tomas and Noelle secure the volunteer placement.

Jackie and Sarah were able to meet with other volunteers, Executive Directors, and other administrative staff from the pantry.

“We were greatly honored to be invited and to have represented ADAPT Community Network,” said Yudelka Matta, Program Director.

Both Tomas and Noelle have expressed a desire to continue to volunteer each week, which will continue to increase their confidence, develop responsibility, and provide an opportunity for community integration between the day program and the surrounding neighborhood.


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