Fun with Food

Greenpoint School Creates a New Fun with Food Class

The Education, Occupational Therapy (OT) and Speech Therapy Departments have teamed up this year to provide a Fun with Food weekly class lesson for some of our classrooms.  The lessons are created and tailored for each class depending on the focus and goal for the week.

The class was developed by a “Picky Eaters” group that was started last year after two staff members attended the SOS Approach to Feeding workshop series. The pair decided to provide a small group of picky eaters with a group lesson, and the results were successful! Therefore, Greenpoint School decided to make health and wellness part of our goal for this year.

The Speech and Occupational Therapy departments meet weekly to set up the lesson which incorporates visuals, models and multistep directions. They also look to the monthly school themes to incorporate those elements into the lesson plan. A multisensory approach is used to meet the needs of all the students including: language, visual, perceptual, spatial, sequencing and fine motor skills (including use of utensils and Activities of Daily Living skills) to help them craft their own healthy creation.

They divide the class into small groups for 30 minutes once a week to and present the food and explain the steps with the students. The teachers encourage the children to look at, touch, smell, put the food to their lips, bite, and taste it as they are working with the different textures.  The children have all successfully sat through the entire lesson and are engaged in every step!


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