Creative Curriculum

The Early Childhood Curriculum is based on the individual abilities and needs of the children. We promote development in our children’s critical thinking, emergent literacy, and the acquisition of skills in the cognitive, linguistic, social/emotional, behavioral, and physical domains. ADAPT preschools utilize The Creative Curriculum and Al’s Pals.

The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is based on five principles guiding the preschool programs:

  1. Positive interactions and relationships with adults provide a critical foundation for successful learning;
  2. Social-emotional competence is a significant factor in school success;
  3. Constructive, purposeful play supports essential learning;
  4. The physical environment affects the type and quality of learning interactions;
  5. Teacher/Family partnerships promote development and learning;

The result of the above principles is a comprehensive curriculum with organizational structure which focuses on routines and learning experiences. Developmentally appropriate challenges foster positive and purposeful learning while addressing specific individual needs. Teachers also include monthly themes which include activities addressing all learning domain areas (i.e., cognitive, social, adaptive, language, motor).

ADAPT preschools utilize the Creative Curriculum to help students begin to develop their literacy skills and pre-academic skills. The creative curriculum supports our teaching staff by enabling them to use the resources on an online platform which allows them to plan, collaborate with peers and share resources with families. The curriculum provides insights into the seven components of literacy:

Not only does the Creative Curriculum focus on readiness skills, but it also supports children in many other ways such as talking, singing, playing with language, writing, and meaningful play.

ADAPT also incorporates the Als Pals curriculum which focuses on the social development and emotional competency. Social aspects of the curriculum targets: children’s sense of self, their relation to others, prosocial behavior, and their own value and actual role in the classroom. In addition to developing emotional competency in the following areas: resiliency, coping skills, empathy and problem and decision-making skills. The Al’s Pals program is designed to provide teachers and caregivers with content, scope, and sequence.

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