
Continuing our Service to Families

Mankad Lalji, Jr. and his family received services from the ADAPT Community Network and were featured on our EMPOWER series.  ADAPT was able to assist the Lalji family in getting a handicap accessible apartment in Manhattan. We continued our service to the Lalji family when their son enrolled in preschool at our 80 West End Manhattan site.

Their son Kevin is a bright boy who has been attending our Manhattan Children’s Program Preschool since July 2018. He has continued to make progress throughout his time here through an enriched educational program and related services that include Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy. Kevin enjoys playing with his friends and has improved his ability to use language to gain attention and express himself. He recently began using words and approximations to ask for things and label, a skill that will help him greatly at both school and home. Over the past one and a half years, Kevin has developed more control of his body, which he displays while running with his friends in the gym and playground. Through yoga and physical therapy, Kevin continues to get stronger and more independent.

While it is bittersweet that he will be graduating and moving on to Kindergarten this year, we are confident that he will continue to grow, and his friendly personality will shine through to others.


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