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Celebrating ADAPT Community Networks 2022 Graduates

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As another school year winds down, it’s important to reflect on all the hard work and accomplishments of all our students, especially our graduates. Graduation is not only an important milestone; it also is a testament to the achievement that have been made throughout their time at ADAPT Community Network.  

Our teachers and staff invest in each child to best meet their needs. They work individually with each student, providing specialized services including speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy and personalized technological support. These services not only nurture but enrich and help students develop important skills and prepare them for future endeavors.

Throughout the month of June, we celebrated the graduates from each of our eleven schools across New York City’s five boroughs. It has been a journey that started with tentative steps perhaps, but one that has taken us to remarkable heights. Peter Anzalone, Vice President of Education Services states, “We have encountered some trials and tribulations along the way, soldiered on and came out stronger for them. We have experienced exceptional moments, magical moments and created memories that will be fondly remembered in the years ahead.”

As each student progresses and moves on to their new schools, they will always have support at ADAPT. Our Family Support Services can provide supports throughout all stages of life. Benefits include service referral assistance, housing assistance, financial reimbursements, home modifications, educational workshops, and resource fairs.  

Anzalone says, “Congratulations to all the families and the students in our care. This is the culmination of years of hard work; the actualization of goals attained, and the acknowledgement of successes achieved. So, it is with a humbled heart that I thank all our staff, students, and families for the road that we have all traveled together. Best of luck in the future and always know that ADAPT Community Network is always here to assist and provide support.”

Enrollment is currently open for the 2022-2023 schools year. To learn more about our education offerings and locations please check out our education webpage and learn more about what each school has to offer.



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