Additional Information (Satisfaction Survey 2018)

Housing Advocacy
Our Housing Assistance Services program is for families with at least one (1) individual with an intellectual and/or developmental disability and approved to utilize services from the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). The program provides housing case management services, advocacy, assistance with applying to lottery apartments and referrals to legal services. Please contact Project Connect at 1-877-827-2666 or to request an application.

Family Education
Our Family Connect unit offers free weekly workshops, support services, and educational resources for New York City parents and families of children with disabilities. Please contact Family Connect at 718-436-7979 ext. 704 or to be place on their mailing list for monthly workshops.

Independent or Support Living
This is an OPWDD Housing Subsidy administered by ADAPT Community Network to assist individuals with achieving or maintain independent living. Please contact Director, Claire McLoughlin for further assistance at

Supportive Employment/Competitive Employment
Employment services for adults with developmental disabilities. Services are available for Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island residents. For further assistance, please contact Director, Horatio Woods at

Self-direction gives individuals the flexibility to choose the mix of supports and services that are right for them. Self-direction allows individuals to choose the services, the staff, organizations and the schedule that will work for them best. For more information, please contact your Medicaid Service Coordinator.

Advocacy/Self Advocacy
Self-advocacy groups provide opportunities for individuals to meet and discuss ideas and concerns with people who have similar interest and experiences.  ADAPT Community Network’s self-advocacy group assist individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities to become full and valued members of their communities, and help to educate individuals on their rights and opportunities. Please contact Project Connect for additional information at 1-877-827-2666 or

Overnight Respite
This service provides relief to care givers and/or family members who are responsible for the primary care and support of an individual with an intellectual/developmental disability. Serving all five boroughs and located at a fully accessible site. Please contact Project Connect at 1-877-827-2666 or to request an application.

Community living options operated by the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) focus on independence and the personal goals of individuals with ID/DD. Programs are available in Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island. Please speak with your family member’s Medicaid Service Coordinator for assistance to access residential service.


Community Habilitation
Community Habilitation is a one to one goal oriented program aimed at fostering growth, learning and independence. The individual as well as their supports are able to set goals that the individual works towards with the assistance of staff supports.  Once an individual has reached/mastered their goals; a goal new goal can be chosen, or existing goal can be altered. Individuals must have the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver.  If you would like an application for Community Habilitation, please contact Project Connect at 1-877-827-2666 or

Guardianship Options
Below are agencies that assist persons who are interested in becoming legal guardians for an individual with an intellectual/developmental disability. Services are free, low-cost or fee for services. Please inquiry with the agencies directly for funding information.
AHRC-212-780-4491 or 4493
Cuddy Law Firm-914-984-2740
God’s Guardian, Inc– 917-789-3901
Thrive Network-718-965-1998

Assistive Technology
Please contact ADAPT’s TechWorks department at 718-436-7979 ext. 211, where you may ask questions as well test adaptive devices, use a variety of communication devices and programs and inquiry about funding options. You may also be able to borrow assistive technology devices where availability permits.

Future Life Planning
For individuals and family members that are interested in saving funds for future use, there are trusts known as Special Needs Trust or Pooled Trusts that allows an individual to save funds for the future without affecting their benefits.  For information on how to access these trust, please contact Project Connect at 877-827-2666.

Care Coordination Organization (CCO)
CCOs are part of an overall structure called Health Homes, which is designed to provide a comprehensive framework to integrated services. Care Coordination will be a broader program than Medicaid Service Coordination (MSC). It will continue to provide the same level of support service as MSC but will incorporate health and behavioral health services, long-term care services and coordinate all the Medicaid-Funded services and supports that a person with I/DD might need. For information on Care Coordination, please contact Project Connect at 877-827-2666.

Managed Care
A Managed Care Organization is a health insurance plan or health care system that coordinates the provision, quality and cost of services for enrollees, it is designed to coordinate care effectively and provide better access to services and supports. Unlike Care Coordination, Managed Care Organizations are responsible for payments to service providers; funds come directly from the Managed Care Organization. Services are also authorized by the Managed Care Organization. For more information on Managed Care, please contact Carol Lincoln, VP of Managed Care at 718-859-5420 ext. 225

Post 21 options (options after you or your family member finishes high school)
OPWDD provides many services to persons with disabilities and their families after completing high school, including supports at home, supports in the community, and employment training. You may be interested in: • Going to college or to a vocational or technical school • Working in a community business • Starting your own business • Volunteering in your community • Taking part in the creative arts, music, or dancing. For information on how to access these supports and services, please contact Project Connect at 877-827-2666.

Day Habilitation
Day Habilitation services can assist individuals to acquire, retain or improve their self-help, socialization and adaptive skills, including communication, travel and other areas in adult education.  Activities and environments are designed to foster the development of skills and appropriate behavior, greater independence, community inclusion, relationship building, self-advocacy and informed choice. For information, please contact Project Connect at 877-827-2666.

Persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities are often eligible to receive federal disability benefits such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). For assistance on how to access these programs, please contact your Medicaid Service Coordinator or Care Coordinator.

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