
ADAPT’s Annual Golf Tournament Raises Over $200,000

On Monday, May 8th, 2023, ADAPT Community Network raised over $200,000 for our life-affirming programs and services at the 22nd Annual ADAPT Community Network Golf Tournament at Brae Burn Country Club. Proceeds from the tournament help support ADAPT Community Network and all funds from the event help us deliver programs and services to children and adults with disabilities and their families.  

A special thank you goes to our hosts Steve Lacy, Anchor FOX 5 News at 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., and Teresa Priolo, FOX 5 News Reporter and Anchor, along with our dedicated Golf Committee members: Edward R. Matthews, Michael Berger, Valentino Galella, Jeff Weiss and Alan Zack. 

Thanks to our generous sponsors, our presenters, and our attendees the event was a massive success. The tournament was sold out and attended by over 100 participants, who were lucky to experience a day of gorgeous spring weather.  

This year we honored Mark A. Spivak of the Weiss Group for his many contributions to and support of nonprofit groups and his community. 

“We thank everyone who supported this year’s golf tournament,” says Edward Matthews, CEO of ADAPT Community Network. “We were delighted to honor Mark Spivack. We thank Steve Lacy and Teresa Priolo for being such dedicated longtime supporters to ADAPT, and we also thank this year’s ADAPT Golf Committee.” 

Thanks to the constant and generous support of our community, ADAPT Community Network has been able to continue our mission: empowering people through innovative solutions, one person at a time. We are proud to have spent over 75 years uplifting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who continues to support our annual golf tournament. 

We look forward to having you join us at our upcoming events. Sign up for our mailing list and follow us on social media (@adaptwechange) to stay tuned into ADAPT’s latest news and updates. 


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