
ADAPT Provides Opportunities for People Supported to Obtain Free Home Modifications

An accessible home environment can make a difference for those with disabilities and older individuals by helping them maintain or achieve independence.

Over the years, ADAPT has successfully helped many families with home modification through our Doorways to Independence program. The program offers funded home modifications such as wheelchair ramps, stairlifts, accessible bathrooms, and more to help persons with physical disabilities, the elderly, and medically frail live safely and comfortably gain independence. At ADAPT, eligible applicants can secure home modification assistance through grants from OPWDD, Access to Home, or Access to Home for Medicaid. The Doorways to Independence team will review the application to determine eligibility and decide which grant would benefit the person. The decision is based on the borough, available funds, qualification, and need.

Doorways to Independence team works with a physical therapist, Ciaran Tobin, who conducts home assessments and provides contractors with a guide to ensure the modifications and installations are safe and meet individual’s mobility needs. “Ciaran has been with ADAPT for 14 years and has done numerous assessments which have resulted in pretty amazing results for people supported,” says Nicole Pagano, Director of Family Support Services.

Ciaran is a Physical Therapist who can assess, evaluate, and design treatment and care plans based on medical diagnoses. Ciaran has years of experience working in the homecare setting evaluating and treating patients with physical and cognitive disabilities impacting functional mobility. His extensive working knowledge of durable medical equipment and home modifications allows patients to remain and function as independently as possible in their own homes. Ciaran has an Executive Certificate in Home Modifications from USC Leonard Davis, which is designed for professionals who work directly in the field of supportive home environments.

“There remain a continued need and invaluable service to assist consumers and their respective families and caregivers to live life to the fullest, and with the assistance of ADAPT Community Network, this remains a genuine possibility,” Ciaran says.

Myung (Terry) Hwang, Doorways to Independence Program Director, works with Ciaran and manages all home modifications projects. “We have been able to complete some really important projects, which have been extremely effective for the people we support through ADAPT’s Doorways to Independence program,” says Terry. Successful applicants continue to express their gratitude towards the program and the independence and support it has given them and their families.

“My sister has down syndrome, schizophrenia, osteoporosis, and anxiety. This ramp has been a blessing to her and has helped to reduce her stress level. The older she gets, the harder it becomes for her to go outside as she’s scared of falling. The ramp makes it easy to get her out of the home for appointments and outdoors on a good day to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air,” says Perez.

ADAPT is proud to announce we have been awarded the Access to Home for Medicaid Grant from NYS Homes and Community Renewal for this year! This grant will continue to allow ADAPT to provide home modifications for accessibility in homes for eligible persons with disabilities. This assistance will enable persons supported to continue to live in his or her home.

Find the right support for you or a family member with a disability. Learn more about our Family Support Services. For more information on eligibility requirements or to request an application, please contact Project Connect at 877-827-2666 or email:


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