
A Letter to Families regarding COVID-19

Dear Families and Friends,  

First and foremost, I hope you are staying well during this unprecedented time. Thank you for your patience and cooperation throughout the past couple of weeks, as I know there have been lots of changes to your general routines and daily living. ADAPT Community Network is adjusting to the current circumstances in order to best support the needs of those we support and to protect our community. With information moving quickly, we think it’s vital to keep you informed of the measures we’re taking to ensure the health of people supported as well as our 3,000+ staff.  

In accordance with Governor Andrew Cuomo’s extension of Matilda’s law, which includes asking residents to stay at home for two additional weeks, Adult Day Habilitation Programs will remain closed through April 15th. Our Education programs will remain closed until April 20th, following Mayor Bill de Blasio‘s mandate to close NYC schools. 

In our residential locations, we are continuing to follow best practices for infection control measures, routinely cleaning and taking steps necessary to minimize the spread of infection.  We are ensuring all our staff have the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), so they remain safe and limit exposure.  

Our dedicated stafis doing a tremendous job providing supports to your loved ones.   Our Adult Day Habilitation and Residential staff are continuing to support people both in ADAPT’s residential locations as well as those living with family or on their own. Teachers are working closely with families to provide additional online supports through website recommendations and remote learning. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your director or our Project Connect information line (877-827-2666) or email us at so we can best support your needs. 

We are continuing to follow the guidance and direction of the Center for Disease Control, the NYS Department of Health, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, as well as our oversight agencies (Office of Persons with Developmental Disabilities, State Education Department and the Department of Education) 

Thank you for your continued cooperation while we are required to restrict the visitation of all visitors and non-essential health care personnel during this timeYour Program Director will continue to work with you on ways you can stay in touch with your loved one via video conferencing and phone calls.  

We will continue to evaluate the situation and will remain in contact as the situation evolves. 

 In addition, we are working on creating a special section on our website on ADAPT’s response to COVID-19, which includes up-to-date information and additional resources for all our programs. Please know our highest priority remains the health and safety of those you have entrusted in our care, and the staff who care for them.  Please feel free to contact your program director with any questions. 

I continue to wish you and your family well. Please take care.  

Linda Laul
Chief Operating Officer 


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