ADAPT Community Network
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Corporate Partnerships

Thank you for your commitment to ADAPT Community Network. Your support is essential in making our vision a reality and your commitment is critical to helping us deliver our mission.

We ask you to consider an investment as a corporate sponsor. Levels and benefits are outlined on the following pages.

On behalf of ADAPT Community Network, we thank you for your dedication.

Benefactor Sponsor: $75,000

ADAPT Community Network Benefactor Sponsors enjoy General,
Organizational and Programmatic Benefits:

General Benefits

• Recognition on the ADAPT Community Network website with a
corporate sponsor profile
• Comprehensive recognition in annual marketing materials, including
recognition in the Annual Report and Event press releases which
may be distributed in print and online
• Opportunity to provide advertisement to staff at various meetings
including: Pre‐Service Orientation/Wellness/Benefit Trainings
• Corporate social media placements

Event Benefits:

ADAPT Holiday Cheer Celebration (2023)

• 15 Event tickets
• Company Name displayed on Event signage and front of Event invitations
• Personal Recognition from ADAPT CEO at the Event

ADAPT Indoor Golf Networking Event (2024)

• 8 Event tickets
• Company Name displayed on Event signage and on the Event invitations

ADAPT Leadership Awards Gala (2024)

• Premiere seating for 20
• Electronic journal ad with prominent placement
• Named Benefactor Sponsor displayed on printed program
• Company logo on Gala signage
• Red carpet photos with host and celebrities

ADAPT Annual Golf Tournament (2024)

• Two foursomes
• Company name displayed on golf cart
• Company name displayed on halfway house
• Company name displayed on one tee sign
• Company name banner prominently displayed in clubhouse
during Event

Visionary Sponsor: $50,000

ADAPT Community Network Visionary Sponsors enjoy
the following benefits:

General Benefits

• Recognition on the ADAPT Community Network website with a
corporate sponsor profile
• Comprehensive recognition in annual marketing materials,
including recognition in the Annual Report and Event press releases
which may be distributed in print and online
• Opportunity to provide logo on ADAPT internal monitors
• Corporate social media placements

ADAPT Holiday Cheer Celebration (2023)

• 10 Event tickets
• Company name displayed on Event signage

ADAPT Indoor Golf Networking Event (2024)

• 6 Event Tickets
• Company Name displayed on Event signage

ADAPT Leadership Awards Gala (2024)

• Prime seating for 10
• Electronic journal ad with prominent placement
• Named Visionary Sponsor displayed on printed program
• Red carpet photos with host and celebrities

ADAPT Annual Golf Tournament (2024)

• Two foursomes
• Company name displayed on golf cart
• Company name displayed on one tee sign
• Company name banner prominently displayed in clubhouse
during Event

Advocate Sponsor: $25,000

ADAPT Community Network Advocate Sponsors enjoy the following benefits:

General Benefits

• Recognition on the ADAPT Community Network website with a corporate sponsor profile
• Comprehensive recognition in annual marketing materials, including recognition in the annual report and event press releases which may be distributed in print and online

ADAPT Holiday Cheer Celebration (2023)

• 5 Event tickets
• Name/Logo on signage at Event

ADAPT Indoor Golf Networking Event (2024)

• 4 Event tickets
• Company Name displayed on Event signage

ADAPT Leadership Awards Gala (2024)

• Preferred seating for 10
• Electronic journal ad with prominent placement

ADAPT Annual Golf Tournament (2024)

• One foursome

Friend Sponsor: $15,000

ADAPT Community Network Friend Sponsors enjoy the following benefits:

General Benefits

• Comprehensive recognition in annual marketing materials, including recognition in the annual report and event press releases which may be distributed in print and online

ADAPT Holiday Cheer Celebration (2023)

• 2 Event tickets
• Name/Logo on signage at Event

ADAPT Indoor Golf Networking Event (2024)

• 2 Event tickets
• Company Name displayed on Event signage

ADAPT Leadership Awards Gala (2024)

• Seating for 10

ADAPT Annual Golf Tournament (2024)

• Company name displayed on one tee sign


ADAPT Community Network
December 4, 2023

Presenting Sponsor – $40,000
    • Premium brand exposure with Company Name displayed on
Event Signage and the front of Event Invitations
    • 20 Event Tickets
    • Personal recognition from ADAPT CEO at the Event
Partial Sponsor $20,000
    • Prominent brand exposure with Company Name displayed on
Event Signage and the front of Event Invitations
    • 15 Event Tickets
    • Personal recognition from ADAPT CEO at the Event
Food Sponsor – $10,000
    • Company Name displayed on Event Signage
    • 10 Event Tickets
    • Personal recognition from ADAPT CEO at the Event
Gambling Sponsor – $5,000
    • Company Name displayed on Event Signage
    • 5 Event Tickets
Drink Sponsor – $5,000
    • Company Name displayed on Event Signage at the bar
    • 5 Event Tickets

ADAPT Community Network
January 23, 2024

Presenting Sponsor – $15,000
    Increased Brand Exposure
    • Company name/logo mentioned on ADAPT sponsorship page,
    Annual Report, monthly newsletter, social media, and press releases
    • Company name/logo displayed on signage, corporate banner
    prominently displayed at the Event
    • 20 tickets and photograph with all guests
Cocktail Sponsor – $10,000
    • Company name/logo mentioned on ADAPT sponsorship page,
    Annual Report, monthly newsletter, social media, and press releases
    • Company logo on signage at the Event
    • 15 tickets and photograph with all guests
Benefactor Sponsor – $5,000
    • Company name/logo mentioned on ADAPT sponsorship page,
    Annual Report, monthly newsletter, social media, and press releases
    • Company logo on signage at the Event
    • 10 tickets and photograph with all guests
Supporter Sponsor – $2,500
    • Company name/logo mentioned on ADAPT sponsorship page,
    Annual Report, monthly newsletter, social media, and press releases
    • Company logo on signage at the Event
    • 5 tickets and photograph with all guests


ADAPT Community Network
March 13, 2024

Presenting Sponsor – $100,000
    • Premiere Seating for 20
    • Premium brand exposure with company name and/or logo printed
      on the front of the invitation
    • Video Journal ad with Prominent Placement
    • Recognition on ADAPT Website, Annual Report, Event Signage
    media and press releases
    • Personal recognition from ADAPT CEO during Event
    • Red Carpet Photos with Host and Celebrities
    • Corporate Social Media Placements
Floral and Decor Sponsor – $30,000
    • Premiere Seating for 5
    • Video Journal ad with Prominent Placement
    • Recognition on ADAPT Website, Annual Report, Event Signage
      media and press releases
    • Personal recognition from ADAPT CEO during Event
    • Red Carpet Photos with Host and Celebrities
    • Corporate Social Media Placements
Cocktail Reception Sponsor $20,000
    • Seating for 4
    • Video Journal ad with Prominent Placement
    • Recognition on ADAPT Website, Annual Report, Event Signage
      media and press releases
    • Personal recognition from ADAPT CEO during Event
    • Red Carpet Photos with Host and Celebrities
    • Corporate Social Media Placements
Creative Stage Sponsor $10,000
    • Premiere Seating for 2
    • Video Journal Ad with Prominent Placement
    • Company Name displayed on Event Signage

ADAPT Community Network Golf Tournament
May 13, 2024

Presenting Sponsor – $50,000
    • Two (2) foursomes with foursome photograph and gift bag
      for each guest
    Increased Brand Exposure
    • Company name/logo mentioned as Presenting Sponsor on
      invitation, ADAPT sponsorship page, Annual Report, monthly
      newsletter, social media,     and press releases
    • Company name/logo displayed on one (1) tee sign and 3′ x 6′
      corporate banner prominently displayed in the clubhouse
      during the Event
    • Opportunity to include corporate literature and/or items in gift bags
Cocktail and Dinner Sponsor – $10,000
    • One (1) foursome with foursome photograph and gift bag
       for each guest
    • Company banner displayed during the cocktail reception and dinner
Breakfast Sponsor – $2,500
    • Company banner displayed during breakfast
Tee Sign Sponsor – $500

Thank You!

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this proposal of partnership with ADAPT Community Network. We look forward to growing our partnership and shared vision of building a better community to live in.

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