ADAPT Community Network Welcomes Back Vincent Siasoco as Medical Director

ADAPT Community Network is pleased to announce the return of Dr. Vincent Siasoco as Medical Director. Siasoco reports to ADAPT’s Chief Operating Officer, Linda Laul, and is responsible for overseeing the health care and clinical services. “The entire clinic staff is so excited about Dr. Siasoco’s return to ADAPT. His extensive experience in providing healthcare to the intellectual and developmental disabilities population serves as a great resource for all our providers,” said Laura De Carlo, Vice President of Clinical Services. “I’m especially excited […]
ADAPT 20th Annual Golf Tournament raised over $265,000

ADAPT Community Network is proud to share we raised over $265,000 for the vital programs and services at the 20th Annual ADAPT Community Network Golf Tournament yesterday, October 18th, 2021, at Brae Burn Country Club. Special thanks to our host Jill Flint and our dedicated Golf Committee members Edward R. Matthews, Michael Berger, Valentino Galella, […]
ADAPT connects with Billon Oyster Project to learn about local environmental issues and advocacy in New York City

At ADAPT Community Network, advocacy and activism come in many forms, from disability rights to environmental and more. Our Advocacy Group, led by Hans Anggraito, Community Specialist, provides the opportunity for the people we support to be educated and engage in discussions about current events and topics that interest them. “It’s important that the people […]