ADAPT’s 154th Street Day Program Gives Back to the Harlem Community

ADAPT’s 154th Day Program launched a week-long, “We Love Our Community Campaign” May 15-19 to spruce up the block and make connections with local community members, senior centers, schools, and businesses. The goal of the campaign was to perform community service for the benefit of the public and to give back to the Harlem community. […]
Scuba Diving an Exciting Adaptive Activity for Individuals

The underwater world of scuba diving is a great opportunity for a person with a disability. This weightless environment can offer a new sense of independence that cannot be found on land. As the sport of scuba diving has evolved into an accessible and fun recreational activity, it has also emerged as one of the […]
Collaboration with NYU Disabilities Course Featured on WPIX 11 Changemakers News Segment

Over the past five years, NYU Senior Lecturer Allan Goldstein has been impacting hundreds of students through his Disabilities Studies course. Most recently, Goldstein and his course was the subject of a WPIX 11 “Changemakers” segment. The Changemakers series focuses on individuals who are inspiring, mentoring, collaborating, and innovating to make their communities and beyond […]
Castleton Residence Heads to Abilities Expo

On Saturday, May 6th, the Castleton ICF went to the Abilities expo in New Jersey to witness the latest adaptive equipment and most current technologies available to individuals with disabilities. What an adventure! Shanell, Stacy, and Derick ventured out and visited a number of vendors and industry representatives, familiarizing themselves with “what’s what” in the […]